Natural Products from Marine Fungi for the treatment of cancer


The MarineFungi consortium demonstrated the sustainable exploitation of marine natural resources providing appropriate culture conditions. New anti cancer compounds are now  characterised to the stage of in vivo proof of concept ready to enter further drug development. Read more about our approach and background by choosing the approriate section in the pull down menue on top of the page.

We developed the technological basis for a sustainable use of marine microbial products along the added-value chain from the marine habitat to the drug candidate and process concept. Find our publications.

The project MARINE FUNGI was from May 2011-April 2014. The consortium continues the work and will use this site to share results and insights and the development of marine biotechnology. See our partners in the PARTNER menue.

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New article published on MARINE FUNGI results: biotechnological production in biofermenters

Mar. Drugs 2015, 13(7), 3992-4005; doi:10.3390/md13073992
Received: 30 March 2015 / Revised: 19 May 2015 / Accepted: 15 June 2015 / Published: 24 June 2015
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